Mr. Leon A. Fletcher

Leon Fletcher - LA Business Ventures

The founder and president of L.A. Business Ventures, LLC is Mr. Leon A. Fletcher. Mr. Fletcher has served in the United States Armed Forces for over twenty-three years and is currently a Master Sergeant / 1st Sergeant in the Army Reserves. His passion for service to others began as a teenager, through the teachings of his family and his early participation in JROTC.

Mr. Fletcher was born and raised in Akron, Ohio, where he volunteered with various youth programs throughout the community. He learned firsthand how parental and community involvement in the life of youth can make the difference in the paths that they choose.

Sparked by his experiences in JROTC, Mr. Fletcher joined the military during high school and went off to serve his country soon after graduation. During his service in the military, he witnessed some of the issues that often plague service members, veterans, and their families. He began to formulate ways to make a difference in the lives of those with whom he served side-by-side and had come to know as brothers and sisters. With the determination to make a difference, Mr. Fletcher developed L.A. Business Ventures, LLC as a platform to address the issues that mattered to him most; service members and their families, veterans and today’s youth.

Mr. Fletcher was prompted by his desire to show more than just an acknowledgement of the need. He wanted to contribute in a more tangible way. In 2018, Mr. Fletcher created an annual, elegant event bringing together Indianapolis’ whose who to raise funds for, and awareness of, local community agencies that provide ongoing supportive services. His Mardi Gras themed events provide monetary support for several local agencies, and each year it continues to grow in its attendance and funds raised.

Mr. Fletcher is a progressive thinker and a champion of organizations committed to innovation, change, and providing solutions. He is all about the community and its members. Having complete and full commitment to keeping his word, Mr. Fletcher backs up what he says and lives by the motto, “Failure is not an option.”